Monday, June 20, 2011

The End Is Near..

Going through high school, it only really hit me near the end all of the advice parents, adults, and teachers give. High school is a place for learning and education. I'm sure i've learned more than just academics in course related work. I've learned a lot about people, friends, and even general life skills. The things that I most regret in high school are the things that I don't think I tried hard enough for. It took me to the end of high school to realize that I didn't really try that hard in my courses, and I know I could have done better. Given that, It can really determine the outcome in possible secondary education; so reflecting, It would be nice to just be able to manipulate the past to my liking, without going back to all of the missed work. Wouldn't it be nice?
I've met a variety of different kinds of individuals. Smart, Nice, inspirational people that are deemed to be great role models. It's been an appreciative time being around the different colours that make up our school. Another thing I regret was putting certain ties at risks by associating myself with high school drama. Life is too short, and i'm sure the thought could really only hit me, much like a bus. Realizing that some things don't really click in until they are too late.
I'm glad I am in school though, despite the amount that I complain about it. It's a great opportunity to meet people, share ideas, and take what you need from lessons. I'm not going to wish that I could go back to change things, because that would put a loop-hole in my character. We'll see how the future rolls out though, won't we?

Monday, March 7, 2011

The English Language

I believe that new age communication technology may have a large impact on the vocabulary of the current generation, but not all may be made out to completely be their fault.

More and more as time goes on, technology grows. As technology grows further, and people adapt more to the changes, new sources of entertainment are revealed. Computer technology has grown; current video games and consoles have become superior over their predecessors, and regarding cinematics, special effects are improving. In this, virtual reality is becoming more like reality.

Literature is used for writing, and refers to development of creative imagination. Literature involves work with non-fictional works, as well as poetry and drama. I think that as newer technology rises, the literature source of entertainment starts to shrink in society, especially in teens.

I do not believe that newer technology makes teens change anything in their literary senses. With the development of instant messaging, Facebook, text messaging, or even emails, it allows the mass group of new technology users to familiarize each other with a type of new-speak that starts out with small changes of vocabulary to promote ease of communication. As small changes are brought into this sub-culture, they become more socially acceptable over time, and are stockpiled to become a whole lesser language.

Newer generations are born into technological scenes that are in contrast to other generations. With this, people develop their life and skills revolving around the resources they are given. The ease of pulling out a cell phone to contact a friend in the next room may be tempting, and as more people do it, it does become widely accepted, and generally standardized. It is arguable that when humanity created their first language, it was a means for a new way of communication; as violence, sign language, and physical interaction are all different ways to exchange intent and ideas. I do believe that the recent generations are losing their senses of face to face interactions, as it may be more awkward rather than to just message the other of our idea, but who is to say that language is deteriorating? Comparing the idea to the sense of evolution, newer ways of interaction are growing because people take what they have and shape it to better adapt their environment.

In the novel 1984, new-speak is incorporated into society as a way to adapt life to work around the laws of Big Brother. Throughout the novel, the reader learns that new-speak brings all dynamic forms for descriptive words down to its basic means, avoiding the cost of misinterpretation of a message. The reader can compare this sub-language to the “teen-speak” language, finding that although there is contrast in the two types of language, they both aspire to change into something more significant to their environment.

Newer ways of communication are not forcing anyone to change anything, but people choose to make the change because they can, and why shouldn’t they? Personally I prefer to maintain the standard for phonetics in my conversations on Facebook and MSN, and nothing is making me change to quick-speak. Although, I can admit that my vocabulary is less than bountiful in comparison to the average vocabulary of an individual one century ago.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What I will do now..

It has not been coming to mind in the past, but recently I have been finding myself more and more often thinking of what I should be doing in the future after I graduate.
My entire life I've been surrounded by an environment with computers, so naturally I feel that I accelerate in that field of knowledge. I've had a lot of time put into working with computers, and have received a large output of experience as a result. Even to this day I'm arriving home from school and I start little computer-based projects on my own time, and I take whatever I can get out of it to improve future work. Regarding my thoughts based on the times well spent working with technology such as this, I thought that I would definitely pursue down the path of these works in university and dive into the field of programming.
Recently in my life, as of grade 8, I developed an interest in music. Basically starting from scratch, I received my first guitar and began teaching myself how to play, using YouTube and popular guitar websites as a common reference. Four years later, I find myself most definitely improved from the times in which I knew nothing; now I know something.
Slowly I opened up my mind and grew a larger variety of musical taste. I started learning how to play piano, and even gained a larger appreciation for classical music, which I thought I would never like.
Starting grade 12 I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. I had a large appreciation for these two areas, and I had no clue as to what I could do. Very recently I looked into UVic courses; it turns out that there is actually a co-op course between music composition and computer engineering. Audio engineering seems like a fantastic idea, working with two things that I love can only result in being a good thing. I can only hope at this point that I can somehow get to where I want to be.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Album Winner

I believe that Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream" album should have won the 53rd Grammy award because in overall, it was a successful track. The track consisted of:

1. Teenage Dream
2. Last Friday Night
3. California Gurls
4. Firework
5. Peacock
6. Circle the Drain
7. The One That Got Away
8. E.T.
9. Who Am I Living For?
10. Pearl
11. Hummingbird Heartbeat
12. Not Like the Movies

I believe this was a successful album because since the release, Katy Perry was shot up to the top in U.S. and Canadian music charts, making it to the Canadian hot 100. Her single, "California Gurls" featuring Snoop Dogg was the top on the Canadian charts in 2010, selling 294,000 digital downloads in it's first week.
The song "Teenage Dream" was brought up to number twenty on the U.S. Billboard hot 100, as well as the Canadian Hot 100, and has sold over 3250000 digital copies as of February 2011.
Katy Perry has not been in the spot light for long, as she seemed somewhat foreign when she approached the music community, but it turns out her music is not bad at all. I think this album is very successful, and I think that this album should have been voted for the Grammy Awards.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Write The End

The walls start crumbling, the floors start shaking and everything starts falling apart; The universe can only handle one kind of chip. A vortex forms, and sucks up most of the fallen debris, as well as the rest of the room, until seemingly nothing else is left. There is a moment of silence. They see an omniscient glow above them; A bag of Buffalo Wings and Ranch floating in the air. It is decided

(400 characters)

Monday, February 7, 2011

"A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words"

I think most of us try a little too hard and end up finding ourselves getting caught up in trying to analyze the most abstract things when there could be so much more in something we find so small and insignificant. I will be honest, when I take a first look at a circle, there probably is not much thought process as to what a circle actually is or represents. Although so basic and such a seemingly insignificant figure, it can be, and is associated with anything that is.. as long as you take a step back.
Rather than just seeing it in it's most basic form as a single shape itself, take thought into what it represents for other figures. Circles represent music (Circle of fifths), Colours (Vendiagrams), bring hundreds of subjects to the mathematical word, symbolizes infinite, represents time as we know it, and was even used to form mankind's best thing before sliced bread, the wheel.
Taking thought in what is actually significant or not in a figure is out of subjective opinion. Although not bringing myself to 1000 words for a pretty picture; I'm sure you could be getting yourself around to it.