Monday, February 7, 2011

"A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words"

I think most of us try a little too hard and end up finding ourselves getting caught up in trying to analyze the most abstract things when there could be so much more in something we find so small and insignificant. I will be honest, when I take a first look at a circle, there probably is not much thought process as to what a circle actually is or represents. Although so basic and such a seemingly insignificant figure, it can be, and is associated with anything that is.. as long as you take a step back.
Rather than just seeing it in it's most basic form as a single shape itself, take thought into what it represents for other figures. Circles represent music (Circle of fifths), Colours (Vendiagrams), bring hundreds of subjects to the mathematical word, symbolizes infinite, represents time as we know it, and was even used to form mankind's best thing before sliced bread, the wheel.
Taking thought in what is actually significant or not in a figure is out of subjective opinion. Although not bringing myself to 1000 words for a pretty picture; I'm sure you could be getting yourself around to it.


  1. JORDAN This is really good stuff man, really intuitive, others chose much more complex objects for their posts, but you sir, you are creative. You chose an object that can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people, and you gave your take on it. Very interesting post indeed.

  2. I like the simplicity of your idea. When I was looking for something to comment on; I was reading through your posts and remembered that a picture was the first assignment. I wondered what a circle could possibly represent. I like the way you always come out of something with the most simple way possible. Your life-changing eventwas when you got glasses. You have the ability to see the simple things that others overlook. Seeing your ideas is a nice change. Keep up the circle of writing.
